Arroyo Eagle Eye - November 5, 2023 Principal’s Message: SCSD Focus on The Community, SCEF Day, Thanks to Volunteers, Halloween Photos, Volunteer Needs, East Palo Alto Outreach, Reminders
Fill out your Free and Reduced Meal Application to help YOUR school get more funding! We encourage ALL families to fill out the meal application as it helps ensure continued funding for ALL students in our District! Get started on your application today!
Arroyo Eagle Eye - October 29, 2023 Principal’s Message, SCSD Focus on The School, Lunchtime Club Sign-ups, Walk and Bike to School Safety Reminder, Halloween Spirit Week, Weekly Menu
Arroyo Eagle Eye - October 22, 2023 Principal’s Message, SCSD Focus on Educators, Lunchtime Club Volunteers Needed, Shoe Guidance, Eagle Council Drive, Halloween Spirit Week, Weekly Menu
Arroyo Eagle Eye - October 15, 2023 Principal’s Message, SCSD Learner Profile Series, Unity Day, Earthquake Drill, Eagle Council Drive, Picture Retake Day, Weekly Menu
Weekly Menu and Allergen List Please review the school meal menu with your child. If they do not see a breakfast and/or lunch option that they will eat, then please plan to help your child pack their own lunch from home (or a hearty snack on Wednesdays). Regardless of whether your child is bringing lunch from home or getting a school meal, be sure to pack a snack for them to eat at recess daily.
Help Boost the Read-a-thon at Arroyo Do you love books and reading? The PTA is looking for a Read-a-thon Campus Coordinator to partner with our wonderful SCEF Reps, Melissa Schmidt and Chez Rueda, to support and promote the SCEF Read-a-thon at Arroyo. The event is Jan. 17-31, and planning starts in early November. Help us develop the traditions around this event! Please email Trinity Murphy ([email protected]) to learn more.
Save 10% on Your Student’s Yearbook Now is the time to order an Arroyo yearbook for your child. Regular price is $18.79. Order before Oct. 31 for a 10% discount. Yearbooks are distributed the last week of school.
An Easy Way to Show Your Support: Become a PTA Member for $10 Please help us pass our membership goal by joining the PTA today! An individual membership costs just $10, and we’re encouraging all parents to become members. Your PTA membership lends your voice to advocacy efforts on behalf of children and educators at the local, state, and national levels. Check out the Membership and Fundraising page to join — and make a big difference!
Many Ways to Volunteer at Arroyo (1) School support: Help at lunchtime or at drop-off or pickup times. (2) Classroom support: Be a room parent; help with Art in Action or yearbook.(3) PTA events: We need lots of hands to make these events a success!(4) PTA leadership: New voices are welcome and needed to help shape events, programs, and more.