Guide to Communications
Arroyo School has a number of channels and resources to facilitate communication about school-related topics, initiatives, programs, and activities. Follow us on Facebook!
Our website,, is a one-stop resource for up-to-date information, including staff and teacher contact details, school happenings, and PTA-led initiatives.
The Arroyo School newsletter, The Eagle Eye, is published every Sunday except during multi-week school breaks. It is compiled by a parent volunteer and highlights school announcements and news, as well as news and events from the PTA, San Carlos School District, San Carlos Educational Foundation, and the wider community. As a parent or guardian of an Arroyo School student, you will automatically receive this weekly newsletter every Sunday at 8 a.m. at the email address you provided to the district.
For PTA or Arroyo staff submissions: Newsletter submissions are accepted by 10 a.m. Friday and can be submitted using this form. Note that this form is only for news initiated by the schools or PTA. Outside organizations should contact the San Carlos School District office to be included in the newsletter. Questions? email [email protected].
If you missed an Eagle Eye or would like to refer back to past information, you can find an archive of the newsletters here and a running document of all messages from the principal here.
Our school-wide directory is created by the PTA to make it easy for staff and families to contact one another. It will be distributed to the email address you provided during school registration.
A digital bulletin board is located in the school office and features school-related content, including videos, photos, and updates.
Classroom parents represent each class and play an important role in supporting individual classes and their respective teachers, helping to facilitate class-related events and activities. Room parents help with managing parent contributions, purchasing teacher gifts, collating and sharing PTA and SCEF updates, and assisting teachers with class events, parties, and special projects.
In the event of a significant emergency, parents will receive a phone call and email from our emergency broadcast system. Parents also may opt-in to receive a text message during the annual school registration process. Please do not try to call the school office during an emergency.