No images? Click here December 17, 2023 IN THIS ISSUEPrincipal’s Message: Winter Break, Spirit Week, Read-a-thon Registration, Managing Screen Time, Lost and Found, Return to School Jan. 9, SCSD Calendar for 2024-25, Weekly Menu PTA: Chickens’ Ball Auditions, Save the Dates for January PTA Meeting, Glow Party Plus SCEF, District, and Community news IMPORTANT DATESThu 12/21: minimum dayFri 12/22: Start of Winter BreakTue 1/9: School resumes for studentsMon 1/15: M.L. King Jr. holiday, no schoolWed 1/17: PTA meeting in library, 8:45 a.m.Wed-Wed 1/17-1/31: SCEF Read-a-thonThu 1/18: SCSD Board meeting, 6:30 p.m.Fri 2/9: Glow Party, 7-9 p.m., Mustang HallMon-Fri 2/19-2/23: Midwinter Break, no schoolMon-Fri 4/8-4/12: Spring Break, no schoolSun 4/21: Stampede & SoarEDITOR’S NOTEThe next Eagle Eye newsletter comes out Jan. 7. Have a great Winter Break! Principal’s MessageDear Arroyo families, It’s hard to believe that 2023 is coming to an end! No matter what holidays you celebrate, Winter Break is great for spending quality time with family, making memories, and carrying on traditions. It’s a wonderful time to start new traditions as well, and 4th and 5th Graders are at a perfect age to help develop those traditions and find things that bring meaning and joy to them. Speaking of traditions, at Arroyo we love to celebrate the end of the calendar year with a spirit week and some fun classroom activities. Our Eagle Council has selected the following themes for spirit days this week. Please encourage your child to participate. Another of our fun traditions at Arroyo is our annual SCEF Read-a-thon, coming up in January. Now is the time to complete early bird registration. The Read-a-thon will take place Jan. 17-31, but registration is open now, and by registering early, both you and your child will be entered in a drawing for some fabulous prizes! Our goal is to get as many Eagles registered before the Winter Break as possible! Thanks for carving out a few minutes for this today! Last week I shared some tips to reduce holiday stress and also talked about the impacts of social media on children. I wanted to follow up with this article from Common Sense Media that has good suggestions for managing screen time over the long break. I particularly appreciate the advice that “the holidays are a great time for adults to check in with kids about what they're watching, playing, or doing online.” Our Lost and Found is overflowing with jackets, sweatshirts, water bottles and more! Please stop by and take a look. Anything not picked up before the break will be donated. As the year winds down, I want to remind you of the schedule this week and returning from Winter Break.
Please make every effort for your child to attend school on Jan. 9 unless they are sick. Many classes will be kicking off new units and activities, and it is especially hard for students to catch up when they miss the introduction. At last week’s School Board meeting, trustees approved the 2024-25 instructional calendar. As you set up your 2024 calendar, please make note of school holidays, etc. and plan accordingly when scheduling vacations. Wishing you warm and wonderful holidays and a restful break. See you in 2024! Warmly, Breakfast and Lunch This WeekPlease take time to review the menu for next week with your child. If they do not see a breakfast and/or lunch option that they will eat, then please plan to help them pack their own lunch from home (or a hearty snack on Wednesday), and please send your child with a snack for morning recess regardless. ![]() PTA NewsChickens’ Ball: A Comedy Tonight!The San Carlos Chickens’ Ball is a live and ridiculously funny variety show benefiting SCSD schools. Organizers are looking for musicians, actors, singers, and dancers age 16 and older. Auditions will be in the MUR at Heather Elementary School on:
Just show up and check in at the door. Singers, please bring your music. The event also needs costume and set designers, set builders and painters, those who can sew, and a stage crew. Performances: Save the Dates!
Please contact our Chickens’ Ball Representative, Jessica Eva, with any questions. Save the Date: Let’s Glow Arroyo on Friday, Feb. 9Arroyo’s favorite party is back: Let’s Glow Arroyo! Mark your calendars for a glow-in-the-dark extravaganza on Friday, Feb. 9, 7-9 p.m. in Mustang Hall. Arroyo students and an adult guest will enjoy dancing, snacks, a selfie station, graffiti wall, glow games, and more! There’s no fee to attend, but please register here so we can get a head count for planning purposes. The first 200 student-adult pairs to register will be guaranteed a swag bag to help light the night. Can’t wait to see you there! BECOME A MEMBER, VOLUNTEER, AND CONNECT!![]() San Carlos Education Foundation NewsWe Are All SCEF!SCEF grants are possible only because of your donations. With your support we have raised over $1 million toward our $3.7 million goal to support teachers, programs, and activities for students at all San Carlos public schools. Thanks to everyone who has made a contribution. Every new donation will help us achieve our mission of supporting every child, every day, in every classroom. Please take a moment to watch this video we produced last year that illustrates how your gifts benefit our school community. Ways to Donate Before Year’s EndCheck out our website for more information and the many ways to give. The Read-a-thon Is Coming!Please register your child early and watch your mail in the new year for more information. Honey Bear Trees Helps SCEFHoney Bear Trees continues to support our schools with a 15% SCEF donation for every tree and wreath purchase. Don’t forget to mention SCEF! Details on this flier. Thank You to Our Generous Business SponsorsSummerHill Apartment Communities, TOWN Restaurant, Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Sares-Regis, Black Mountain Properties, Peninsula Chemical Co., Lyngso Garden Materials, Bob Bredel, Alana Corso, Laura Bertolacci, Devil’s Canyon Brewing Co., Paris Baguette, CA Water Service, Chang Orthodontics, Tavarez Orthodontics, Recology, Roberts Market, Happy Healthy Teeth, Sakura Teppanyaki Restaurant, and Murphy’s Music Camp. Visit our site to learn about the SCEF Business Sponsorship program. ![]() School District News2024-25 SCSD Calendar ApprovedThe SCSD Calendar is the official calendar for the school year for all schools and includes all start and end dates, official holidays, and in-service teacher workdays. Download the 2024-2025 San Carlos School District Calendar on our website.
New Student Priority Registration Opens Jan. 9SCSD New Student Priority Registration for the 2024-25 school year is just around the corner! Registration opens Jan. 9 and closes Feb. 9. If you have a future student joining us, secure their spot by registering during this priority window. Visit our How to Register for the 2024-25 School Year page for al the details. Please see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page or email us at [email protected] if you have any questions. Transitional Kindergarten Is Expanding!Attention, parents of 4-year-olds: If your child turns 5 on or between Sept. 2, 2024 and June 2, 2025, they can attend TK beginning in August. Priority Registration for the 2024-25 school year opens on Jan. 9. For all incoming TK and Kindergarten families who will be NEW in the 2024-25 school year, attend your school’s TK/K Parent Information Meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 31:
Visit your school’s website in January for more information. Visit these links on the SCSD website for more information on TK, New Student Registration, and FAQs. State Guidance for Symptoms of IllnessUnsure what to do when your child is showing signs of illness? See the new California Department of Public Health suggestions for when to keep your child home when they are not feeling well. See fliers in English and español. For more information, please visit the CDPH guidance page. ![]() Community NewsPiano Class at Arroyo with Hummingbird MusicDoes your child want to learn how to play piano in a fun group environment? Hummingbird Music School’s popular after-school piano class runs 3:15-4:05 p.m. Thursdays in Room 14. Classes begin in January. Read more and register here. Dec 17: Free Kid Tickets for Stanford Men’s BasketballStanford Men’s Basketball is in need of some future Stanford students to come cheer on the Cardinal on Sunday, Dec. 17, at 2 p.m.! With Stanford students being off campus for winter closure, this is your chance to cheer from the 6th Man section! ![]() arroyo.scsdk8.orgFind important school information on the Arroyo website, including staff contacts, previous issues of the Eagle Eye, and the daily bell schedule. @ARROYOSCHOOL