Arroyo Eagle Eye - December 17, 2023 Principal’s Message, Winter Break, Spirit Week, Read-a-thon Registration, Managing Screen Time, Lost and Found, Return to School Jan. 9, SCSD Calendar for 2024-25.
Arroyo Eagle Eye - December 10, 2023 Principal’s Message, Share Your Holiday Tradition, Reducing Stress, Phone Advice, Gift Card Drive, Read-a-thon Registration, Lost and Found, Weekly Menu
Dec. 13: Staff Appreciation Brunch The December Staff Appreciation meal will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 13. Members of the PTA will prepare a brunch of salads and quiche for our staff. Please sign up to bring something to help Arroyo staff ring in the holidays!
Arroyo Eagle Eye - December 3, 2023 Principal’s Message, Community Event in East Palo Alto, Toy and Gift Card Drives, Absences, Report Cards, Weekly Menu.
White Oaks Holiday Store Help Calling White Oaks Alumni! We are looking for students to be big kid helpers at the annual White Oaks Holiday Store on Saturday, Dec. 2. You will help White Oaks students shop for gifts, pay, and then find their grown-ups. Please sign up your child via the link above.
Holiday Gift Card Drive The Central Arroyo PTA is collecting gift cards to support our fellow San Carlos School District families experiencing food insecurity this holiday season or needing a little extra help making the holidays special for their families. If you’d like to contribute, you can donate a gift card ($25 preferred) from Target, Amazon, Safeway, or any local grocery store. Please be sure to label the card with the amount. Bring gift cards to the Arroyo office marked to the attention of Mindy Shelton and leave them with Tracey Olazar. We appreciate your support of our community.
Book Fair Family Night - Wednesday 11/29 5-7p.m. The PTA is excited to bring the Book Fair to the Central-Arroyo community this week. On Wednesday, 5-7 p.m., bring the whole family to shop during our Family Night. Enjoy dinner from the Waffle Roost and Alebrijes Oaxacan Kitchen food trucks, and visit the hot chocolate bar. We hope to see you at this community event! For more information on Book Fair week, see flier via link above.
Arroyo Eagle Eye - November 26, 2023 Principal’s Message: Focus on Reading, Book Fair, Toy and Gift Card Drives, Start of 2nd Trimester, ROPES Meeting Links, Weekly Menu
Nov. 15: PTA Meeting at 7 p.m. on Zoom Our next PTA meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 15, at 7 p.m. over Zoom. Hear updates from the principals, find out what events are being planned, and learn how you can get involved. Find the agenda and Zoom link on our website.
Arroyo Eagle Eye - November 12, 2023 Principal’s Message: Gratitude, Financial Assistance, Holiday Gift Card Donations, Outdoor Ed, 4th Graders’ Week, ROPES info session, End of 1st Trimester, Reminders