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Click here February 11, 2024 IN THIS ISSUEPrincipal’s Message: Glow Party and Lunar New Year Thanks, 5th Grade Author Visit and Book Preorders, SCEF Auction, Importance of Attendance, Weekly Menu PTA: Volunteer Appreciation, PTA Meeting on Tuesday, Help with Day of Service for Earth Day, Donate to Arroyo Staff Lunch, Measure H, Willy Wonka KIDS Tech Crew DEIB: Black History Month Plus SCEF, District, and Community news IMPORTANT DATESMon-Fri 2/12-2/16: 5th Grade Puberty TalksTue 2/13: 4th Grade author visitTue 2/13: PTA meeting via Zoom, 7 p.m.Thu 2/15: SCSD Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m.Thu 2/15: SCEF auction endsMon-Fri 2/19-2/23: Midwinter Break, no schoolWed 2/28: Arroyo’s Ruby Bridges Walk to School DayFri 3/1: 5th Grade Author Visit (order by 2/26)Tue 3/5: Primary Election DayFri 3/8: End of 2nd trimesterWed 3/20: PTA meeting in library, 8:45 a.m.Tue-Thu 3/26-3/28: ROPES presentationsTue 4/2: Arroyo Band and Orchestra ConcertWed 4/3: 4th Grade Instrument Selection NightMon-Fri 3/8-3/12: Spring Break, no schoolSun 4/21: Stampede & SoarEDITOR’S NOTEThe next Eagle Eye newsletter comes out Feb. 25. Have a great Midwinter Break! Principal’s MessageDear Arroyo families, The fun continues at Arroyo! It was wonderful to see so many families at our Glow Party on Friday. Thanks to our event team Sondra Harding, Diana Herman, Julie Epley, Jenn Mooney, and Paula Dionisio, along with a team of volunteers, for putting on such a great event that wouldn’t be possible without your donations to SCEF and their partnership with the PTA. Last Wednesday we celebrated Lunar New Year with an impressive lion dance assembly and dragon parade. A huge thank you to Esther Wang and her team of volunteers, especially Peng Hilton and Evelyn Johnsen, who created the beautiful dragon by hand. It was a special day for all of us despite the rain, as you can see from the photos here. We’ve also been celebrating Black History Month and will continue to do so throughout February. We’ll keep things going this week as we celebrate Valentine’s Day on Wednesday. Teachers have sent (or will be sending) out information about classroom celebrations. If your child is bringing valentine cards, please be sure they bring them for everyone in the class. Students are encouraged to wear Valentine’s Day colors (red, pink, purple, etc.). We’ve also got author visits coming up over the next few weeks. 4th Graders will hear from Kazu Kibuishi, author of the popular Amulet series, on Tuesday, March 13. 5th Graders will hear from Misa Sugiura, author of fantasy books, on Friday, March 1. Preorders of Kazu Kibuishi’s autographed books have ended, but anyone is welcome to order signed copies of Misa Sugiura’s books through Feb. 26. Thank you to our local Reading Bug bookstore for sponsoring these events! The SCEF auction is underway with some special opportunities for our Eagles. Bid for a chance to bowl with 4th Grade teachers, walk the red carpet with 5th Grade teachers, be the librarian for their class, or even be the secretary or principal for a day! If your child is a Taylor Swift fan, don’t miss your chance to sign them up for a special Swiftie experience (first come, first served)! Bidding ends this Thursday, Feb. 15, so be sure to check it out! The Importance of School AttendanceAs we head into the upcoming February break (Feb. 19-23), we are officially more than halfway through the year! This seems like a great time to remind everyone of the importance of every student arriving on time and attending school each day. Attendance is an essential component to keeping every child engaged and thriving in their learning. We do want families to continue to prioritize health by keeping students home when they are ill, particularly when they have a fever or symptoms are not improving. Beyond this, students who are well should be in school. I also want to remind you that travel is not an excused absence regardless of your child completing work while they are gone, although we do encourage you to make plans with your child’s teacher when a student must travel during school days. Please avoid pulling your student from school for family travel. We are working to improve our monitoring of absences this year, not only at Arroyo and in San Carlos, but across the state. Many families who have never received attendance notices for absences and/or tardies may receive one, and it may feel different. If you do receive a notice, please know that our goal is to ensure your child attends school regularly and to partner with you when issues arise. Working together, we can improve attendance and ensure that all students thrive. Thank you in advance for having your child back at school on Monday, Feb. 26. The period between our February break and Spring Break is fairly short but will be very busy as we wrap up the second trimester and head into the third. Classes will be completing benchmark assessments in reading, writing, and math, as well as finishing other classroom lessons and projects. Please make every effort to ensure that your child is not missing school during this time unless they are sick. March 8 is the last day of the second trimester. We expect report cards to be sent home around March 20. 4th Graders will rotate to their 3rd round of the Exploratory Wheel on March 11. Go 49ers!Warmly, Breakfast and Lunch This WeekPlease take time to review the menu for next week with your child. If they do not see a breakfast and/or lunch option that they will eat, then please plan to help them pack their own lunch from home (or a hearty snack on Wednesday), and please send your child with a snack for morning recess regardless. ![]() PTA NewsVolunteer AppreciationA big thank you to our Glow Party team of Sondra Harding, Diana Herman, Julie Epley, Jenn Mooney, and Paula Dionisio for putting on such a fun event for students and parents alike. An additional thank you to Esther Wang and her team for planning Wednesday’s Lunar New Year celebration, which included our amazing new dragon created by Peng Hilton and Evelyn Johnson. These celebrations are made possible by your SCEF donations and powered by PTA volunteers. Thank you again to everyone who participated. PTA Meeting This TuesdayPlease join us for this month’s PTA meeting: We’re gathering via Zoom this Tuesday, Feb. 13, at 7 p.m. Find the agenda and Zoom link here. ![]() Help with Day of Service for Earth DayIn honor of Earth Day (April 22) and San Carlos Day of Service (April 21), we’d like to clean up our school campus and make a few improvements immediately following Stampede & Soar on Sunday, April 21. We are looking for a volunteer from both Central and Arroyo to partner with the principals to organize the projects and day of volunteers. If you are interested, please email Trinity Murphy. Donate to Arroyo Staff LunchWe are showing our love this Valentine’s Day by providing a delicious lunch for our staff. Please sign up to bring something to make this lunch a success. SCSD Classroom Repair MeasureMarch election ballots have been delivered in the mail. The PTA encourages all San Carlos residents to learn about Measure H, which directly affects San Carlos School District schools. Read more online. Tech Crew Spots OpenWilly Wonka KIDS — a San Carlos Children’s Theater musical for all 4th and 5th Graders in the school district — is coming, and we have nine openings for Tech Crew. Tech Crew participants will learn all technical aspects of running a theater production and will be a key part of team making the musical happen! Dates: April 13-20. Ages 10 to 17. Learn more and register here! SAVE THE DATE BECOME A MEMBER, VOLUNTEER, AND CONNECT!![]() San Carlos Education Foundation NewsSummer Camps and Teacher Outings Auction OPEN NOW, closes Feb. 15This annual auction is a favorite way to include your child in our fundraising partnership with our educators and local summer programs. Check out the fantastically creative offerings for this year! The auction ends this Thursday, Feb. 15, with staggered closing times:
Starlight Gala Tickets Go on Sale Tomorrow!Our annual Starlight Gala is back in person this year, March 22 at Hiller Aviation Museum. Only 300 seats are available, so get your tickets before they sell out! Buy them online starting at 12:01 a.m. Monday, Feb. 12 (tomorrow!). ![]() School District News![]() Intent to Return Forms for Students Due March 1Each year, we ask families for assistance in completing an Intent to Return Form regarding your child’s enrollment for the next school year (2024-25). Please look for an email to be sent to parents on Monday, Feb. 12, with a link to complete your form. If your plans change at any time and you are not planning to return next year, please notify your school office as soon as possible. Thank you for your assistance with this important process. ![]() Community NewsYou’re Invited on March 9: Perfect Pairings Benefit for Healthy Cities TutoringGet your tickets now so you don’t miss out on the event of the year! Join us at The Alexandria at San Carlos, a fun and stylish new event space, for Healthy Cities Tutoring’s 10th annual Perfect Pairings event on Saturday, March 9. Choose from three mouthwatering entrees prepared by the excellent culinary team at The Alexandria, and sip perfectly paired wine and other beverages. Bid on exciting auction items, including nearby experiences, restaurant packages, and vacation homes! There is something for everyone. The best part? Your support makes more perfect tutoring pairings possible! Parent Education OpportunitiesIn February’s Foro de padres (español), Edwin Fernandez, LCSW, of One Life Counseling Center will discuss the stages of child and adolescent development in Comprender las etapas de desarrollo de su hijo (Feb. 13). NEW! Teenagers are natural risk-takers, so how can we keep them safe? We welcome Jess Shatkin, MD, MPH, an adolescent psychiatrist and author of Born to Be Wild: Why Teenagers Take Risks, and How We Can Keep Them Safe (Feb. 27). arroyo.scsdk8.orgFind important school information on the Arroyo website, including staff contacts, previous issues of the Eagle Eye, and the daily bell schedule. @ARROYOSCHOOL