Nov. 9: PTA Meeting at 8:45 a.m. in library Our next PTA Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 9 at 8:45 a.m. in the Central/Arroyo school library. See the agenda. Each Green Corner will present on the work being done in the garden and volunteer opportunities. PTA Meeting Dates & Agendas can always be found on our website. We would love to see you!
Arroyo Eagle Eye - November 6, 2022 IN THIS ISSUE: Principal’s Message, Photos from School Events, SCEF Read-a-thon, Food Drive, Calendar Reminders
Book Fair and Family Fun Night This Week! Fall into reading at our Central & Arroyo Book Fair Oct. 31 - Nov. 4. Join us for Family Night on Thursday, Nov. 3, from 5-7 p.m. in the library. Buy dinner for the family after you shop at the two food trucks that will be on-site. The PTA will be handing out free Rita’s Ice dessert treats too!
Food Drive for Samaritan House Eagle Council has started our first community service drive of the year for Samaritan House. We’ll be collecting protein items including nut butters, canned tuna or meat, chili, pasta sauce, and other canned meals. Please consider donating to help those in need in our community. Food can be brought to the school office or classrooms between now and Nov. 14.
PTA Membership: Join Today for $10 Woo-hoo, we have passed our first 100 members in the first full month of the school year! We’re off to a great start toward our 100% membership goal. Joining the PTA supports local, state, and national PTA advocacy efforts. An individual membership costs just $10, and we’re encouraging all parents to become members. Grandparents and students can easily be added as members too. Check out the Membership and Fundraising page to learn how to make a difference.
Breakfast and Lunch Ordering Reminders WHEN TO ORDER: Order meals on The LunchMaster website (click above) by 9 a.m. Tuesday the week BEFORE you need breakfast or lunch. CANCEL ON MINIMUM DAYS: Cancel orders the week prior if your child is not going to eat a meal at school — especially on early release Wednesdays.PICK UP MEALS: A number of students are not picking up meals (especially breakfast and Wednesday lunches). The district is only reimbursed for meals that are picked up.
Arroyo Eagle Eye - October 30, 2022 Principal’s Message: Calendar of Events for This Week, Halloween Parade and Costume Guidelines, 4th Grade ROPES Info Night, SCEF Read-a-thon, Book Fair, Samaritan House Drive, Volunteer Appreciation
Arroyo Eagle Eye - October 23, 2022 IN THIS ISSUE: Principal’s Message, Calendar of Events the Next 2 Weeks, Halloween Parade, Costume Guidelines, 4th Grade ROPES Info Night, SCEF Read-a-thon, Book Fair
Arroyo Eagle Eye - October 16, 2022 Principal’s Message: Halloween Parade, Costume Guidelines, Earthquake Drill, Picture Retake Day
Arroyo Eagle Eye - October 9, 2022 Principal’s Message, Student-Led Clubs, Conflict Resolution, Parent Involvement, Indigenous Peoples’ Day, Walk to School Day