No images? Click here March 24, 2024 IN THIS ISSUEPrincipal’s Message: Stampede & Soar Reminders; 4th Grade Field Trip, Forms, Elective Selection; 5th Grade Field Trip, Concert, Middle School Math Info Night; Back-to-School Form; Parent Survey; Weekly Menu PTA: Stampede & Soar Registration, Hometown Days Help Needed, Join Our Awards Committee, PTA Board Nominees DEIB: Women’s History Month Plus SCEF, District, and Community news IMPORTANT DATESMon 3/25-Tue 4/2: SCEF Online Silent AuctionMon 3/25: Sierra Outdoor School forms due for 4th GradersTue 3/26: Exploratorium field trip for 5th GradersTue-Thu 3/26-3/28: ROPES presentationsWed 3/27: Deadline to complete CA Healthy Kids Parent SurveyMon 4/1: Middle School Math Pathways Information Session, Mustang Hall, 6 p.m.Tue 4/2: Arroyo Band and Orchestra Concert, 5:30 p.m.Wed 4/3: 4th Grade Instrument Selection Night, 3:30-7 p.m.Mon-Fri 4/8-4/12: Spring Break, no schoolFri 4/19: Willy Wonka KIDS school play in Mustang Hall, 7 p.m.Sat 4/20: Willy Wonka KIDS school play in Mustang Hall, 1 p.m.Sun 4/21: Stampede & Soar, 9-11 a.m.Wed 4/24: PTA meeting and Board vote via Zoom, 7 p.m.Sat 5/4: SCEF Revel@Devil’s community dance partyDear Arroyo families, Be sure to sign up for our Stampede & Soar Color Run, coming up on Sunday, April 21, from 9-11 a.m. It’s one of our biggest events of the year and a fun morning for the whole family! Make sure to register by this Tuesday, March 26, so your child gets a T-shirt to wear for the run. The class with the highest participation will receive wristbands to cut to the front of the line for Kona Ice, which will be on campus after the run. It’s a morning full of color, spirit, community, and fun. You won’t want to miss it! Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help at the event, especially our dedicated planning team, which has been working for months to bring the event together. There are still many opportunities to volunteer both before the big day and during the event itself. Take a look at the roles and sign up to help. As we move into spring, both 4th and 5th Grades have several events, including some in preparation for next year. IN 4TH GRADE
![]() It’s time to complete your annual back-to-school InfoSnap forms. Each spring, the school district asks all families to complete their annual student information forms through PowerSchool online. This allows families to update/add emergency contact information, give permissions, update health records (allergy or medical considerations), and is required to secure your spot for the next school year. This week, you will receive an email titled (2024-25) Back-To-School Form Instructions from [email protected]. Please complete these forms as soon as possible, no later than Friday, April 5. Should your plans change at any point and you no longer intend to return for the next academic year, please notify the school office ASAP. If you haven’t already done so, it’s not too late to give your feedback on Arroyo through our CA Healthy Kids Parent Survey. You can access the survey through this link. The deadline has been extended to March 27. Warmly, Breakfast and Lunch This WeekPlease take time to review the menu for next week with your child. If they do not see a breakfast and/or lunch option that they will eat, then please plan to help them pack their own lunch from home (or a hearty snack on Wednesday), and please send your child with a snack for morning recess regardless. ![]() PTA NewsStampede & Soar: Deadline to Register Is Tuesday 3/26Sunday, April 21 • 9-11 a.m. Make sure you register your runner no later than Tuesday, March 26, to guarantee a T-shirt for this fun event! Your child will be sprayed with (non-toxic) color during the run, so the T-shirt is half the fun! The run will be followed by games, music, and treats on the Arroyo-Central campus. All runners should register, including students, parents, and any siblings 6 and older accompanied by a parent. (No registration is needed for the campus activities, or to cheer on your runner.) Registration is $8. Hometown Days: We Need Your Help!San Carlos Hometown Days is May 18-19 this year, and the PTA needs one or two volunteers to organize Arroyo’s participation in the annual parade. You’ll confirm our spot with the organizers, help spread the word about joining the Eagle contingent, and then pass out spirit swag the morning of the parade. Thanks for considering! Sign up here. Join Our Awards CommitteeAt the end of every school year, we recognize teachers, staff, and volunteers for their outstanding service. The PTA invites you to join the committee that solicits nominations for these awards, works with the principals on the selection process, and organizes the May 23 awards presentation. Will you share your skills to make this happen? Sign up here. PTA Board Nominees for 2024-25The Central Arroyo PTA’s Executive Board for the next school year will be voted on at our April PTA meeting. There are still open positions on the board and in other areas such as the Book Fair, website, membership, online store, and more. Learn about these open positions in the PTA Job Descriptions document. Please contact Brie MacDonald for more info. Here is the list of board nominees so far: BECOME A MEMBER, VOLUNTEER, AND CONNECT!Online Silent Auction Starts Tomorrow!Our annual online silent auction starts tomorrow, March 25, and runs through Tuesday, April 2. Support your school and bid on entertainment, travel, dining, wine and spirits, museums, concerts, attraction tickets, and more. A link to the auction will be available when it opens at April 20: San Carlos Day at the GiantsJoin other San Carlos families at San Carlos Day at the Giants, when the home team takes on the Arizona Diamondbacks: Saturday, April 20, 1:05 p.m. Tickets are $28 for bleacher seats near the Fan Lot. The Giants will make a $10 donation to SCEF for every ticket sold! Spots for your child to sing the national anthem (a great family memory-maker) will be included in our online auction, which opens March 25. Fund-the-Future of STEM Education in our SchoolsSCEF works with the Superintendent every year to identify a need in San Carlos schools that would benefit from a targeted fundraising effort. These are funds we raise above and beyond our ongoing support for educator positions, counseling, libraries, music, technology, PTA budgets, etc. Donations are restricted to a fund that will be used to provide supplies, materials, equipment for students, and professional development for teachers to aid STEM and project-based learning in the classroom. Watch our video and learn more at ![]() School District News![]() It’s Time to Complete Your Back-to-School InfoSnap FormsEach spring, we ask all families to complete their annual Back-to-School student information forms through PowerSchool online. This allows families to update/add emergency contact information, give permissions, update health records (allergy or medical considerations), and is required to secure your spot for the next school year. ![]() The Benefits of Fiber by Dr. Lisa NadivHello, parents, and welcome to our second installment of The Nutrition Corner by Dr. Lisa Nadiv! As part of our San Carlos Health and Wellness Council’s update of the SCSD Student Wellness policy, Dr. Lisa will be providing resources on the topic of child nutrition — her area of expertise. Let’s talk about fiber! ![]() What are the benefits of a high-fiber diet?
![]() How can we make sure our kids are eating enough fiber?
Questions? Comments? Email Dr. Lisa. ![]() Focus on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and BelongingWomen’s History MonthWomen’s History Month is a time to honor women’s contributions in American History. It grew out of a one-week celebration started in 1978 by the school district of Sonoma, California, and slowly spread across the country. In 1980, President Jimmy Carter declared the week of March 8 as Women’s History Week, and in 1987 it was expanded to a month. Find more information here. Ideas for diving a little deeper into women’s history with your family:
![]() Community NewsIntroduction to Mindfulness at ArroyoGrowing Mindful’s after-school classes combine art, games, STEAM, and movement exercises with powerful evidence-based tools to equip students with the skills to boost their confidence, resilience, and discover their inner superpowers. We will practice: regulating big emotions, focusing our attention, breathing techniques, working with unhelpful thoughts, compassion and kindness, and gratitude. Sign up here. All beginners welcome! Where: Arroyo School Gear Up for the No Foolin’ Foot RaceAttention all students, staff, and families! Get ready to put your best foot forward in the most exciting event of the school year, the No Foolin’ Foot Race!
Elevations through Big Canyon and Eaton parks range from 350 feet (1-mile kids course) to 1,500 feet (10K). Join us for a day filled with fun, fitness, and friendly competition as we race to support the Parks & Recreation Foundation of San Carlos in their mission to improve San Carlos parks and trails! Parent Education OpportunitiesThe second event in the all-new Neurodiversity Speaker Series features Sam Drazin, executive director of Changing Perspectives, for Changing Perspectives: Understanding Inclusion, Ableism, and Neurodiversity (March 26). arroyo.scsdk8.orgFind important school information on the Arroyo website, including staff contacts, previous issues of the Eagle Eye, and the daily bell schedule. @ARROYOSCHOOL