No images? Click here September 10, 2023 IN THIS ISSUE
IMPORTANT DATESThu 9/14: SCSD Board meeting, 6:30 p.m.Wed 9/20: PTA meeting in library, 7 p.m., followed by downtown socialFri 9/22: Picture Day 9/25-10/1: SCEF Fall Silent Auction Mon-Fri 10/2-10/6: Conference Week, 1 p.m. dismissal Wed 10/4: Multicultural Family Night Mon 10/9: Indigenous Peoples’ Day, no school Principal’s MessageDear Arroyo families, In the coming weeks we will be kicking off many of our student leadership opportunities. Our recess equipment managers are already getting started. Over the next week or so each classroom will be selecting two representatives to participate in our Eagle Council. Eagle Council meets weekly during morning recess throughout the year to plan activities around school spirit, school improvement, and community service. Students who aren’t selected as class representatives will have other chances to participate in leadership as Arroyo Ambassadors and Club Leaders, both of which will kick off a bit later this fall. We have several opportunities coming up for parents/guardians to get involved as well. Our first Central Arroyo PTA meeting of the year will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 20, at 7 p.m. in our school library. Please join us to get to know other parents and hear about upcoming school events. Our first Arroyo-Central Site Council meeting will take place on Sept. 19 at 3:30. If you are interested in becoming a part of our Site Council, please email me ([email protected]) for more information. Picture Day at Arroyo will be Friday, Sept. 22. Still Light Studios will photograph all students at Arroyo and will email parents directly with a proof of your child’s photo and ordering information. No advance purchase or registration is required. Makeup photos are scheduled for Oct. 20. Mark your calendars and plan to join us for our second annual Multicultural Family Night on Oct. 4. This was one of our favorite events at Arroyo last year, and we’re excited to make it an annual tradition. See details in the PTA section below. So many wonderful events happen here at Arroyo School, and I am aware that sometimes the cost can add up. As part of our Arroyo program we are pleased to be able to offer assistance and support to families as needed. Some of these services and offerings include a school photo package, a yearbook at the end of the year, grocery and toy-store gift cards for the holiday season, and scholarships for special school trips and PTA events. These things are made available through fundraising efforts and private donations, among other sources. The children or families receiving this assistance are kept confidential, and I am the only one who will know. If your family is in need this year, we want to support you. Please complete this form, and I will help to make the requested items available to you. If you regularly pick up your child from school and can spare about 10 minutes, we could use your help. We are still very much in need of volunteers to help at pickup time (3:10-3:20 p.m., 1:00-1:10 p.m. on Wednesdays). If you can help one day a week, or even just once in a while, please sign up here. Speaking of pickup time, please help us model responsible and safe behavior for students by using crosswalks and following our school procedures. We have reviewed safety expectations with students, and it is hard on children when their parents and school staff are telling them conflicting things. At school we reinforce the importance of separating people from cars and ask students to enter and exit through the pedestrian gate, not the driveway, and to not walk through the parking lot. We also ask students to use crosswalks and to NOT cross the street right in front of the school on either Arroyo or Chestnut. We have unfortunately had an accident and several near-misses in these areas, as there are many distractions for drivers and they are not expecting to see pedestrians in the street. Please do NOT ask your child to cross the street in those areas, with or without you present. If others are picking up your child, please share this information with them. Since there wasn’t an opportunity for you to meet our elective and PE teachers at Back to School Night, they have put together slide presentations and/or videos to tell you about what to expect in their classes. Please click here to view their presentations along with their names and contact information. Warmly, Reminder: Please take time to review the menu for the week before Tuesday. If your child does not see a breakfast and/or lunch option that they will eat, then please plan on helping them pack their own lunch from home (or a hearty snack on Wednesdays), and please send your child with a snack for morning recess regardless. ![]() PTA NewsPTA Meeting: You’re Invited!Please join us at the first PTA meeting of the school year on Wednesday, Sept. 20, at 7 p.m. in the Central-Arroyo Library. Share your input on events and programs, vote on the annual budget, and hear updates from Principals Mindy Shelton and Tom Domer. Check out the agenda, and add future meeting dates to your calendar. We would love to see you there! Help Needed With Art in ActionVolunteer to be a docent or a helper for Art in Action! 4th Graders are studying Modern Art, 5th Graders American Art. Docents receive slides and an instructional video on the material. Helpers don’t need to do any prep, just show up ready to assist the day of. Lessons last 80 minutes. Please consider signing up to help out in your child’s class this school year! Click on their class below, and find more info on Arroyo’s Art in Action page. Become a PTA Member TodayYour PTA membership lends your voice to advocacy efforts on behalf of children and educators at the local, state, and national levels. An individual membership costs just $10, and we’re encouraging all parents to become members. Check out the Membership and Fundraising page to learn how to make a difference. RSVP and Volunteer for Multicultural Family NightWednesday, Oct. 4 • 6-8 p.m. • Mustang Hall We are excited to announce Arroyo’s second annual Multicultural Family Night on Oct. 4! We will celebrate the evening with food trucks, games, arts and crafts, and live performances, including dancing and a capoeira demo. More details to come! To make it a memorable night, we need your help! Volunteer opportunities include:
Please sign up here ASAP to volunteer and please RSVP here to attend. Get Your Spirit Wear Through Sept. 22Spirit Wear is only sold once a year! Visit the Central Arroyo PTA webstore to make your order. On sale through Sept. 22 — don’t delay! Orders will be distributed in mid-October. Contact Sarah Kinahan if you have questions or need help with your order. ![]() SCEF NewsSCEF Event Season Is Here!Fall Into Fundraising Fun SCEF Raffle Join the Committee that Makes the Magic Save the Date
Remember to join your school PTA on your school website and explore the many Ways to Give to plan your donation to SCEF this school year. ![]() Focus on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and BelongingCelebrating Hispanic Heritage MonthEach year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 by celebrating the histories, cultures, and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. Looking for ideas on how you can share this month with your family?
![]() Community NewsPiano Class at ArroyoDoes your child want to learn how to play piano in a fun group environment? Hummingbird Music School’s super popular after-school piano class runs 3:15-4:05 p.m. on Thursdays in Room 14. Classes begin Sept. 14. Learn more and register online. Celebrate Latinx Heritage MonthIn celebration and reflection of Latinx Heritage Month, the Community Foundation of San Carlos (CFSC) has curated a list of resources as well as a list of Latinx-owned businesses and organizations to support. Refer to this link. If you are interested in learning more about CFSC, please reach out. Parent Education OpportunitiesTo kick off the 2023-24 season, we welcome Michelle Icard, author of the new book 8 Setbacks That Can Make a Child a Success: What to Do and What to Say to Turn “Failures” Into Character-Building Moments (Sept. 14). What critical skills do students need to thrive? Ana Homayoun, author and academic adviser, will discuss her new book, Erasing the Finish Line: The New Blueprint for Success Beyond Grades and College Admission (Sept. 20). ![]() arroyo.scsdk8.orgFind important school information on the Arroyo website, including staff contacts, previous issues of the Eagle Eye, and the daily bell schedule. @ARROYOSCHOOL